Colorado Science Conference

Friday, October 25th, 2024!


FAQ: Pertaining to 2024 Conference.

The secure Wild Apricot payment system will not accept my business credit card.

 Answer: Check with your business accountant/manager if payment cannot be completed.  Authorized cards may have restrictions for types of payment. Some government issued cards (i.e. university, agencies like the EPA, etc.) have tiered restrictions.  If you continue to have issues with payment, please reach out to our CSC treasurer.


I want to register several people at once and pay all at once. How do I do that? 

Answer: In addition to registering yourself, you can also register others using the guest registration option. You can add guests after starting your own registration.  Each additional guest has the same registration cost as your own. Please be prepared to provide contact information for each guest as it is important for each attendee to have their own identifying information so that we can have contact with them with pre-conference information, provide appropriate badging, a post-conference evaluation, and future communications. The Wild Apricot secure payment process will bill you with the total.


I can’t attend and want to send a colleague in my place.

 Answer: There will be no charge for substituting another attendee for a paid registration, but the request must be made by email to by the person originally registered or by a district administrator or secretary no later than October 23rd, 2024. Included in the email should be the person who is the substituting attendee's full name, affiliation, email, and phone number (optional to include: preferred pronouns, content specialty, and level of content.)


I want to cancel my registration and receive a refund.

Answer: To cancel your registration, please use this link and click on the "already registered" hyperlink at the bottom.  There is an option to CANCEL REGISTATION on your registration details. You can also access your registration details from yourregistration confirmation email (subject: Event registration confirmed for Colorado Science Conference). CSC will not guarantee the fulfillment of any refund requests submitted after the conference date. 


I am a presenter/co-presenter.  Do I need to register?

Answer: First of all, THANK YOU for sharing your time and expertise with us!  And yes. All presenters and co-presenters are required to register for the conference, including exhibitors.


I am a science teacher and I would love to attend but the fee is more than I can afford. Do you offer any scholarships?

Answer: Please reach out to a CAST board member with your situation. As part of our mission to connect, support, and empower science educators throughout Colorado, CAST works hard to offer grants and scholarships. Although we cannot guarantee funds, we will work to help support you!


I need an invoice or a receipt.  How do I get one?

Answer: Invoices are generated at the time of registration online.  Receipt for payment are generated when payment is received through our Wild Apricot secure payment system. All receipts are sent to the email address provided with the online registration submission.  Additionally, you can access your registration details at this link.


Is college credit available?  

Answer: We regret that we are not able to offer college credit for attending the Colorado Science Conference.


When can I get an attendance certificate?

Answer: Certifcates will be awarded at the end of the day at the Closing on Oct. 25th.

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